

一開始他說我們的摘要沒提到任何細節:It is not good form to devote almost half of the executive summary to presentation of what to do if your recommendation fails or is not implemented!

接下來他說我們都只是在複述背景資料: takes two full pages on background (most of which is presumably fully known by all senior executives). 

然後因為我們先提圖表4再提圖表1~3:which is not good form 

再來假設營運收入每年成長3%被質疑:Nothing grows in perpetuity! 

接著又說我們沒解釋我們自己做的假設 以及某個圖表沒有結論等等…

最後結論的部分: recommendation proves unsuccessful are OK, but do not need to be included in the Executive Summary.意思是說改善的意見其實不OK,而且不需在摘要裡再提一次。

前幾天讀了「女工程師的紐約生活手札」White Lie後真是心有戚戚焉,因為美國人用的形容詞常常都比實際要好一點,所以我一開始都搞不清楚他們心裡到底怎麼想。像這次我的組員看到成績後就回大家email:We did well …It’s not bad...像我以前就會天真地以為他說:幹的好~不錯哦…

而我還是很中肯地回大家:I think professor's comments are very useful, not only in this case. It helps us do better~

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